TürkTraktör Company Leader Matthieu Séjourné stated that they continue to make significant progress towards digitalization, with the purpose of preparing agriculture for the future. Séjourné highlighted ‘TrakBot’ chatbot as the latest example of this commitment and said, “At TürkTraktör, we prioritize being the early adopters of latest technologies in agriculture. In addition to offering the most eco-friendly tractors and equipment, we are also committed to the digitalization of agriculture. We continuously improve our Tarlam Cepte application, launched in 2019, with new features to support our farmers with all their needs, including their decision making processes.”
Séjourné emphasized that being a first in the industry, TrakBot, the chatbot of Tarlam Cepte, which has over 170,000 users, will accelerate digital transformation in agriculture, and stated: “Developed to meet the specific needs of agriculture industry, TrakBot works as a digital assistant that is at our farmers’ disposal at all times. It provides guidance 24/7, instantly responding to a wide range of queries, including weather reports, campaign updates, fertilization recommendations and irrigation suggestions. With accurate and fast answers supported by up-to-date data, it can address our farmers’ most common issues. We believe that this new technology will also promote the adoption of efficient and sustainable agricultural practices.”
Tarlam Cepte Builds the Future of Agriculture Today
TürkTraktör aims to facilitate the transition of all stakeholders in the industry towards a more sustainable and efficient future by leveraging digitalization through Tarlam Cepte, which offers innovative solutions to the agricultural sector. Tarlam Cepte’s digital solutions aims to transform the traditional ways of doing business, enabling smarter, faster and more efficient practices in the agricultural sector.
Developed using chatbot technology, TrakBot represents a significant milestone in the digitalization of agriculture, offering great benefits to both farmers and large agri-businesses. Its big data analytics and deep industry knowledge enable TrakBot to process data quickly and provide fast and personalized responses.
TrakBot uses a sincere, professional and impartial language, offering clear and accurate solutions by avoiding unnecessary details. TrakBot’s AI-powered design ensures the accuracy and thoroughness of its answers by posing relevant questions when the information in the query is insufficient.