Potatoes are Idaho’s top crop with a total value of production of US$1.3 billion in 2023, up from US$1.2 billion in 2022. Idaho had 330,000 potato acres in 2023, up 12% from 2022. (1)
Idaho ranked #1 in the U.S. in five different agriculture commodities in 2021: potatoes, barley, alfalfa hay, peppermint oil and food trout. The state also ranked #2 in the U.S. in 2021 in sugar beets and hops; #4 in dry onions, spring wheat, and lentils, and #5 in dry edible beans, corn silage, and dry edible peas. According to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Idaho’s total agricultural crop production in 2021 was US$3.3 billion. Prior to 2021, the total value of Idaho agriculture production had increased for four consecutive years. (2)
TerraSante™ for Soil and Ecological Health
MustGrow’s soil amendment and biofertility development programs focus on soil and soil microbiome health, nutrient and water use efficiencies, and plant yields. Soil is a farmer’s most valuable asset, and MustGrow’s mustard plant-based technologies are being developed with the intention to improve not only the health of the soil, but also the surrounding ecological environment.
As an organic biofertilizer in soluble mixable form, TerraSante™ contains nutritious plant proteins and carbohydrates that feed the soil and soil microbes, potentially improving beneficial microbial activity and ensuring long-term sustainable soil health. These targeted micro-communities have been shown to work to improve nutrient availability, which can potentially increase plant vigor and yields, while reducing plant stress. TerraSante™ has the potential to improve crop nutrient uptake and, hence, overall crop performance. There are no artificial additives or preservatives used during its manufacturing.
In May 2024, MustGrow announced receipt of the California Department of Food Agriculture registration approval for its organic biofertility product TerraSante™, and also organic certification from California’s Organic Input Material (OIM) Program, a specific California requirement beyond MustGrow’s existing Organic OMRI Listed® certifications in Oregon and Washington State. MustGrow’s California registration and organic certification is a key pillar in the commercialization strategy with BioAg Product Strategies. In addition to Idaho, and recently-awarded California, Oregon and Washington State, MustGrow expects to continue its efforts towards further state-level registrations in other pertinent U.S. states.