Bursa Agriculture 2014, Bursa 12th International Agriculture, Seed Raising, Saplings and Dairy Industry Fair and Bursa 7th Internatıonal Stockbreeding And Equipment Fair were organized by Tüyap Bursa Fairs Organization INC between October 14-18, 2014 at Bursa International Fair and Congress Center-Bursa, Turkey.
Bursa Agriculture Fair was prepared with the participation of from 25 countries, 524 companies and company representatives in 7 hall, 30.000 square meters outdoor fair area and 40.000 square meters indoor exhibition area, (totaly 70.000 square meters).
Bursa Agriculture and Stock Breeding Fairs has been most important ring of the Agriculture Fairs. Promotions through professional businessmen from Albania, Algeria, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, China, France, Germany, Georgia, Greece, Holland, India, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Kosova, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Morocco, Japan, Jordan, Poland, Russia, Holland, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Ukraine, The United Kingdom, Tajikistani, Tunisia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Turkmenistan, Uganda and Uzbekistan visited the fairs. Also, the fairs hosted purchase groups from 78 city 268.125 visitors in Turkey.
General Manger of Tüyap Bursa Fairs Organization INC. İlhan Ersözlü “Largest in terms of square meters as well as high number of visitors, Bursa Agricultural Fair that is the largest ring of Tüyap Agricultural Fairs. The fairs were provided opportunity sales of 500 Million Turkish Liras to exhibitors so fairs helped farmers and merchants of mechanization, agriculture and stockbreeding equipment make contact with professional buyers and participants, offering a variety of business opportunities. 123.000 visitors from outside of Bursa by staying of hotels, eat in restaurants and by shopping has made a major contribution to the city’s economy during the fair time. Also the next year on October 14 to 18, 2015 for Bursa Agriculture Fairs. The hotels were already pre-booked for the next year. These data shows that, the fairs which organized in our city make contribution of the city’s social, cultural and economic life,” said that.
B2 match meetings were organized in the fair
Also Bursa The Bursa Chamber of and Industry Commerce within the scope of Safari Project and the support of Republic of Turkey Ministry Of Economy, bilateral business meetings were organized in with businessmen from Algeria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Italy, Moldova, Sudan, Uzbekistan on October 14, 2014. As a result of the diligent work of Tüyap Overseas Offices were organized international buyers mission programs in with our exhibitors and businessmen from Algeria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Iran, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Russia and Tunisia on October 15, 2014.
Congresses and panel were organized during the fairs
Held in cooperation with The Chamber of Agricultural Engineers, The Chamber of Agricultural Engineers Bursa Branch, Bursa Provincial Food, Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Department and Uludağ University Agriculture Faculty, for the third time this year “Bursa Agriculture Congress” with the main theme of “Agriculture and Scarcity Is in the Shade of Aridity” was organized in Çekirge Conference Hall on October 16-17-18, 2014.