Arrigoni’s hi-tech secret for production in extreme climate

These days, climate change is the biggest problem facing modern agriculture. This is even more the case in the geographical regions most exposed to extreme weather. Technology has made impressive progress in order to enable vegetable crops to grow even in contexts like this, opening out prospects inconceivable only a few years ago. Arrigoni, world leader in agrotextile development, will be presenting the applications of the latest research in the greenhouse sector at the 2023 edition of Growtech (Antalya, 22-25 November), the largest greenhouse agriculture show.

According to the IPCC (the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the top scientific authority on the climate, “global average surface temperature in 2011-2020 increased by 1.1°C above the average temperature of the late C19th (before the industrial revolution) and is higher than at any other time in the last 100,000 years”. This situation is very worrying for food producers, where there is a clear need for rapid action with genuine solutions. In fact, the latest United Nations projections indicate that the number of people on Earth could rise to about 8.5 billion in 2030 and 9.7 billion in 2050.


Shading and temperature control

The solutions for the most critical climates include Prisma® Ldf Strong, the even higher-performing, even more efficient evolution of Prisma® Ldf, developed to guarantee crops a protected, safe environment. The figures speak for themselves: compared to the already outstanding performance of Prisma® Ldf, the Prisma® Ldf Strong agrotextile delivers: +60% strength; +78% light diffusion percentage; enhanced sunlight shading effect (30%); better control of internal temperature due to reduction in passage of short infrared radiation; and bigger savings on water. In other words, a guarantee for the production even in very problematical conditions of vegetables such as bell peppers, tomatoes and aubergines, with optimal water saving and reliable protection against the most invasive atmospheric agents.

Another solution for greenhouse crops is Robuxta® MDF, also by Arrigoni, which is already delivering excellent results. This covering protects plants from excessive sunlight, maintains an optimal internal microclimate and increases yields, thus also extending production and cropping cycles.

Defence against insect pests

Depending on the demands of the specific geographical area, Biorete® Air Plus is a very thin but uniform monofilament covering, essential for perfect passive protection. As well as providing an effective barrier against insect pests, it is also an ideal solution for combating excessive humidity, leading to fungal diseases. In fact, Biorete® Air Plus also improves ventilation inside the greenhouse.

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